Monday, March 9, 2015

Starting at Rooters: Fargo Hash House Harriers Inaugural Hash, Saturday April 18th

When and Where

The first Fargo Hash House Harriers trail will be held Saturday, April 18th! 1 PM for social pre-drinking. 2 PM is when we start the 3-5 mile trail. Runners and walkers welcome!

Start is at Rooters!! >>>not Empire.<<<   
107 Broadway N, Fargo, ND 58102
(701) 235-4082. 

Cost is $5, which covers your drinks on trail and at the "circle" of drinking and singing at the end. Also bring your ID and some discretionary cash on trail.

The Short Version: Get dressed in a Spring in Fargo themed costume (optional), wear normal running shoes, etc, put your keys, phone, ID, and $10 on your person somewhere, come to Rooters at 1 PM, and look for the Fargo Hashers sign and/or people dressed strangely. Trail starts at 2. Plan to be done around 6. Couldn't hurt to bring a change of shoes/socks or full change of clothes.

More Info

What's a Hash?

Hashers are a drinking club with a running problem. It's fun, and hard to describe. Come try it out! (Hash is not a reference to drugs.)

A hash trail is not "going out for a run to get some exercise." It is more like a casual run meets hide and go seek meets a little steeplechase meets beer.

It is also not  for the easily offended but it is a lot of fun. For more information, please see

Costume Theme: Optional but Encouraged

The costume theme will be Spring in Fargo. Let your imagination run wild. There are no wrong costumes. Wigs and wings are encouraged. Anyone running in a speedo or bikini will be lauded and praised. Fur coats are also entirely appropriate if that's what you want to run in.

Timeline and Details

Here's how the hash works!

2 PM: Hares (trail leaders) explain symbols, then head out on trail, laying dollops of flour to show where the trail leads, with true trail and false trail
10-15 minutes after hares leave, the pack (that's all of you) heads out, following trail
About halfway through trail, there will be a beercheck somewhere with beer, cocktails, water, gatorade
4-5 PM roughly: Trail ends, either where we started or not where we started
Circle: drinking beverages, eating snacks, and singing filthy songs about what happened on trail, about who did the stupidest thing on trail ;) and so on. At least an hour--plan for two.
On-After: freeform party, somewhere with more drinking and snacks.

How to Follow Trail

The hares start out leading trail, leaving symbols in flour and chalk to show you where to go. You do not know where you're ending, but it will be reasonably close to the start.

Here are the symbols; we will explain them at the start of trail, as well. Click the image to see it bigger. Feel free to print a copy and bring it; we will also have copies at the start of trail. (The colors will vary--the purple one is shown below in a different color because it is the only symbol that somebody in the pack, following trail, might lay.)


A songbook will be provided after trail for Circle, the ritual of singing filthy songs and drinking.

Here is the PDF song book we will be using. Printed copies will be provided but feel free to take a look and/or print your own.

More Information

For more information, please see

Former Fargo non-native Greasy Grimy Gopher Guts (aka Solveig) , aka G4, will be the hare (leading the trail), with a lovely and talented cohare to be revealed later.

Contact  if you just can't wait for the details to appear here. ;)